Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lip Gloss Commercial - By Daniel, Cindy, ViVi & Lisa


Mary Tran said...

Content: The idea and story of the commercial was really creative. Everything was focused on the lip gloss which was well done. However, I couldn't understand some parts and the content wasn't really clear. It was quite hard to keep track on what was going on.

Delivery: The volume of the voices was at the same level which was completely professional. The grammar was perfect because you guys had a perfect script. The sound effects and narrations were smooth throughout the audio. Excellent Job! :]

Music: I love the song selection of yours. Its message was great because it really supported the idea of the commercial. However, the length of the music was too long and it possibly bored the audience while listening so you might want to consider that.

Technical Production: The transitions of voices, music and sound effects were almost perfect. Everything was going really smooth. The commercial might be a little bit long and it was hard to keep the audience attention with this length.

I think it deserves a 22/25 :]

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