Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Holiday

My Holiday: December 18th 2010 - Jan 5th 2011 (just for fun)
Holiday's mood: surprised, heart tendering?, 'wow', boring, but meaningful

Even though I got to stay home all holiday, it was truly enjoyable and remarkable. Since I'm a Christian, I had to attend the church before Christmas for Confession, and the priest told me that I had to do something good for people this holiday. I was surprised, because the other years he usually addressed me to pray (not a lot but I'd feel guilty anyway). Anyway, I wondered what I could do, and it all came to me one day when my brother from the U.S. was chatting with my mom and he told her there are several poor families living under Xom Cui bridge (according to an article). The kids their always wished for a Christmas present but never was the wish fulfilled. They also wished to meet Santa Claus - which I think wasn't normal to me, probably because I got to see him since I was younger (just like them). But that I also means I'm more lucky than them. Anyway, my family decided to pay a visit there with presents and cake for them on the Sunday before last Sunday. Seeing their over-happy faces like that made my heart tender, and it was a nice experience for me to play and talk to those kids. Last but not least, I was like, "Wow.." without closing my mouth as it was supposed to be (which means I left my mouth halfway 'till finishing the word, so it was "Wo..") whhen I saw the fireworks on TV on Jan 1st 2011. They were like, ah-ma-zing, especially Australia's firework - colorful, exploding, smoking, outstanding, Wow!

Yeah, it was a great holiday!!!!!


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